Monday 2 March 2009


Why do we value science?A very innocent answer, and in all probability the best answer ought to be , is that science has shown infinite possibility to improve the lot of humanity. I think this to be true in many ways. NOT only the technical innovations that eased our life but also science as a thought process has brought to fore novel ways of thinking about philosophical and ethical problems.
However my concern here is not the school-book topic of 'boons and banes of science'. Iam thinking about how science or to be precise scientific developments become a mode of venting euphoric emotions of national pride and nationalism?very recently we saw this in Iran which made a public show of its newly developed satellite carrier. And this is not a stand alone case . In India we saw Chandrayaan mission or nuclear bombs used as symbols of 'national pride' more than their actual or probable potential to contribute to betterment of the people of this nation! Even in holywood films we see unworldly scientific stuff used to show the scientific prowess and hence the inescapable superiority of US.
So what is the connection between science and nationalism , if any?
One common denominator which springs in mind is POWER. Nationalism is the ideology of modern nation-state. To assert itself as a nation the state seeks power. The ideology of nationalism legitimises this power. Such a legitimacy is important for the political ruling classes to sustain thier claim of ruling on behalf of or for the people. Science comes handy in assertion of national power because scientific inventions are itself an important source of power..
(more on this later...)