Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Obama's America

The significance of Barack H Obama's election as the US president cannot be denied. Notwithstanding the usual sceptics it vindicates that no system of oppression can be perpetuated for ever. Oppression produces renews itself and so the resistance too is renewed...and the struggle continues.
However the question which concerns me more is , would Obama's America be any different from the America we have seen in contemporary history?
The writing on the wall is not quiet encouraging , to say the least. In fact if Obama seems a bit reasonable and moderate the credit goes more to Bush who pursued hawkishness to the extent of lunacy. The euphoria gathered around the inauguration of Obama presents some ominous signs of things about to come. Obama has picked up the theme of a nation in crisis and called for a spirit of national sacrifice.[Refer to his address on 19th Jan at Lincoln memorial ]. War..crisis..national character..this jingoistic language reinforces the image of a nation under seize endangered by some ferocious enemy all set to destroy the US. This symbolism serves well the empire.
Apart from this symbolism there are other more concrete signs that Obama's 'historia' is not going to last long. For example the stance taken by Obama on various issues does not marks any serious discontinuity in US policy. Here i will take up only two instances.
First, his economic agenda. Although he has drawn a blueprint of huge state intervention to shore up the falling economy, there is nothing in the agenda as yet to suggest that any serious thought is being given to the need of reviewing the economic philosophy underlying the crisis. There is no sign that Obama will seek to change the international economic and financial order created and perpetuated by US. Obama's strategy to tackle the current crisis is at best a swift and short-term effort to preserve tattering US dominance. So, at the most America's underprivileged can expect bits of relief but for rest of the world,specially the third world has nothing to look forward in terms of its demand for a just and equitable economic order.
Second, and a little more disappointing is Obama's stand on the Palestinian crisis. The stand he took on Israel's attack on Gaza showed his selective sympathies.Mr. Obama ,outraged at Hamas attacks killing Israeli children did not see the hundreds oh children killed by Israeli attack. That Israeli action in Gaza is not defence but an offence and crime against humanity, Mr. Obama need not take a law training to know this.


  1. Gr8 thing is that Obama is atleats doign soemthing.. he has a vision like others before him..writing him off without giving him a chance to materialize his plans wont be advisable for those who still care for soem sort of world order.
    America has been a world poer for long and would strive to maintain that status during the current millenium. After all who wudn't? However, a lot has been lost, but atleast a hope has been generated. It may not work, but lets not forget that the food for thought for a country like america is quintessential if it has to preceed some policy change. (whatever! that is supposed to eman) :


  2. ..."atleast doing something"...?why harbour such pessimism about 'doing'? is anything acceptable to us on the name of 'something'? The human civilisation has not reached to such a nadir that we stop questioning power and powerlessness. we need not be so desperate to criticality and action.
